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Follow-Up And Discipleship
Eugene Burrell was my Dawson Trotman! What I mean by this is: Eugene had a passion for making disciples of new Christian believers whenever God provided him with the opportunity. When I returned to Washington, DC from Boston, MA in 1973, one of those opportunities opened up and that passion was directed towards me.
Dawson Trotman, founder of The Navigators, had a consuming desire to see new Christians grow into faithful, consistent followers of Jesus Christ. As his discipleship ministry grew among sailors in the 1930s and during World War II, and among a broader segment of people after the war, all his efforts seemed aimed toward the goal of effective follow-up: newsletters and personal correspondence to men at sea; the development of concise, basic follow-up literature; the always-open Trotman home that hosted a nightly stream of sailors and other guests eager to learn from this man of God; and, most of all, thousands of man-to-man hours spent individually with attentive young believers.
Discipleship Journal: Issue 1 – January/February 1981 – Dawson Trotman On Follow-Up.
In August of 1972 I moved to Boston, Massachusetts to begin working for an engineering firm located there (see “A Message Of Reconciliation”). While living in Boston and being exposed to the Gospel message for the first time in my life (i.e. with ears to hear and understand it), I realized several things: I realized God’s love for me; my sinfulness and separation from Him; as well as my need for a Savior. At that point I turned to God; repented of my sin; and, received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. Upon the death of my father in 1973, I returned to Washington, DC (my home – the place of my birth); and, that’s when I met Eugene (Gene) Burrell.
I first heard about Gene while living in Boston. Having made a commitment of my life to Christ, fellowship with other Christian believers had become a lifestyle. On one such fellowship occasion, I was asked to pray for a fellow Christian named Eugene Burrell regarding a medical trial he was going through. So, having prayed for him during that time of trial, I looked him up when I returned to Washington.
Gene was associated with “The Navigators” (the organization that Dawson Trotman founded). He, like Dawson Trotman, had a consuming desire to see new Christians grow into faithful, consistent followers of Jesus Christ. He effectively followed up with me after our first meeting. He opened up his home to me where I was able to fellowship, not only with him and his family but with many other young believers who were being transformed into faithful, consistent followers of Jesus Christ. During those early years countless man-to-man hours were spent with me individually, as was the case with many other attentive young believers. All of which, ultimately led to my life being transformed as well.
Two thousand years ago, Jesus impacted the lives of a relatively small number of men, gave them the ministry of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:18) and commissioned them to make disciples (Matthew 28:19-20). Those men impacted the lives of other men, leading to their reconciliation with God and their subsequent discipleship. Those individuals then impacted the lives of other men, leading to their reconciliation with God and their subsequent discipleship. And this continued for roughly two thousand years, all the way to my generation, resulting in my reconciliation with God and subsequent discipleship. What a shame it would be for the Gospel to reach me, after two thousand years, and go no farther.
Well, I had my Eugene (Gene) Burrell. He prayed for me and with me. He taught me, trained me and my life was transformed. What I heard from Gene, I went on to entrust to faithful men who went on to teach others also. God had commissioned Gene to “make disciples” (Matthew 28: 19-20) and so he did.
Millions have been impacted by The Navigators and are living and lasting monuments to the life and ministry of Dawson Earle Trotman (March 25, 1906–June 18, 1956). “Of the many words he spoke and wrote, the 5700 word, 47 minute message he gave to a Conference sponsored by Back to the Bible during the closing months of his life is most widely known, read, heard, and quoted….” In it, “Follow-up is mentioned only twice although the concept makes up one fifth of his message.”
So who was your Dawson Trotman? Who effectively followed up with you? Who prayed for you and with you? Who taught you and trained you, resulting in your life being transformed? If you cannot identify someone who links you to that process that continued from Jesus, all the way to your generation, resulting in your reconciliation with God and subsequent discipleship, I would encourage you to pray. Ask God to provide you with someone who has a consuming desire to see new Christians grow into faithful, consistent followers of Jesus Christ. Ask God for your Dawson Trotman. And, as you pray, read. Much has been written by and about those who lived before you who obeyed God’s commanded to “make disciples”, beginning with those written about in the Scriptures. I would also encourage you to search for Christian ministries that specialize in discipleship (beginning with The Navigators). An excellent place to start would be a message given by Dawson Trotman in 1955. Born to Reproduce: “A Passionate Call to Maturity, Spiritual Reproduction and Spiritual Parenting to Help Fulfill The Great Commission.” This will help you understand follow-up and God's call to discipleship.
Born to Reproduce (Audible)
Born to Reproduce (PDF File)
We, at Commissioned Ministries, are here to serve and would love to assist you in your pursuit to understand follow-up and God's call to discipleship. All of your thoughts, comments and questions can be posted below and we look forward to communicating with you.
Anton Lee Huger is the founder of Commissioned Ministries, a division of Huger Consulting, LLC. He is an ordained Christian Minister, having served as an elder of several local churches since 1985. Anton now speaks evangelistically; teaches in the area of discipleship; supports local churches in their endeavors to build discipleship ministries within their local expression; and, dedicates himself to discipleship in this age by making disciples and disciple makers.
Daws: A Man Who Trusted God
By Betty Skinner / NavPress
From his youth as a liar, gambler, and pool shark to manhood as an indefatigable witness for his Lord Jesus Christ, Dawson Trotman revolutionized the practice of evangelism and founded one of the most widespread and respected Christian organizations in the world today. This moving historical account, drawn from the memories of those whose lives he touched and from the author's firsthand knowledge, will both encourage you in your faith and inspire you to action. 391 pages, paperback, from Navpress.
"An Affiliate of Christianbook."
The Navigator
By Robert Foster / NavPress
Through the worldwide Christian organization he founded, The Navigators, Dawson Trotman helped bring back some forgotten biblical truths: the importance of personal follow-up, one-on-one training, and the multiplication of disciples.
Author Robert D. Foster, a longtime Navigator associate, combines his own personal reflections, interviews with those who knew Trotman, and Trotman's conference messages to portray a man who was unconventional and fun-loving--a strong disciplinarian with a compassionate heart.
"An Affiliate of Christianbook."
Growing in Christ, 2 Volumes in 1: Lessons on Assurance and Lessons on Christian Living
By The Navigators / NavPress
You know Christ, but you're not sure how to grow in Christ. These classic Navigators studies are your best guide! Lessons on Assurance includes five studies on the key promises God gives to you as a Christian. Lessons on Christian Living includes eight studies on major scriptural principles for your spiritual growth. Great for new believers! 72 pages, softcover from NavPress.