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I was recently asked to take a look at Romans 8:29-30. To this brother in Christ, and someone I consider to be a very good friend, it seemed like this passage supported his view regarding the Biblical doctrine of predestination (his view being that God predestined those who, in his foreknowledge, would answer the call). He then posed the following question to me: Does this text not seem to support that view?
Great question! And, one that made me, once again, turn to the experts for an answer.
Whenever I study a passage of scripture, I begin with simple observation (i.e. I look at what the text is saying). Here it is critical to implement exegetical principles in order to avoid any possibility of eisegesis. That said, let’s take a look at the passage in question.
Romans 8:29-30 (ESV)
29 For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.
30 And those whom he predestined he also called, and those whom he called he also justified, and those whom he justified he also glorified.
There are various questions that I ask myself while performing this step of Bible study. Some of these questions are: What? When? Where? Who? Why? and How? However, for the purpose of this conversation with you my readers, I simply want to exegete the passage in order to better understand and communicate what is meant by the phrase “For those whom he foreknew….”
According to the foreknowledge view of predestination, God knew from all eternity whether we would receive or reject Christ. According to Dr. R.C. Sproul:
Briefly stated, this view teaches that from all eternity God knew how we would live. He knew in advance whether we would receive Christ or reject Christ. He knew our free choices before we ever made them. God’s choice of our eternal destiny then was made on the basis of what he knew we would choose. He chooses us because he knows in advance that we will choose him. The elect, then, are those who God knows will choose Christ freely.
In his conclusion of what this view teaches, Dr. Sproul says: “The basis for our ultimate judgment rests ultimately upon our decision for or against Christ.”
Chosen By God: by R.C. Sproul
Regarding the reformed theological position, J.I. Packer says:
Predestination is a word often used to signify God’s foreordaining of all the events of world history, past, present, and future, and this usage is quite appropriate. In Scripture and mainstream theology, however, predestination means specifically God’s decision, made in eternity before the world and its inhabitants existed, regarding the final destiny of individual sinners. In fact, the New Testament uses the words predestination and election (the two are one), only of God’s choice of particular sinners for salvation and eternal life (Rom. 8:29; Eph. 1:4-5, 11). Many have pointed out, however, that Scripture also ascribes to God an advance decision about those who finally are not saved (Rom. 9:6-29; 1 Pet. 2:8; Jude 4), and so it has become usual in Protestant theology to define God’s predestination as including both his decision to save some from sin (election) and his decision to condemn the rest for their sin (reprobation), side by side.
Concise Theology: A Guide to Historic Christian Beliefs, by J.I. Packer
When I read the words “For those whom he foreknew…”, exegetically I only read the words “For those whom he foreknew….” On the other hand, what I do not read is “God predestined those who in His foreknowledge would answer the call” (the view held by my brother in Christ). Even if it is true that “God predestined those who in His foreknowledge would answer the call”, that “truth” is not exegetically validated here in this passage. Even if the writer believes this to be true, exegetically he is not stating it here. So, I asked my very good friend and Brother in Christ, where in scripture are you finding your basis for this “truth.”
I would like to make two (2) points here:
1. I have not stated anywhere above that my friend's position is not a valid position. I have, however, indicated that it is not validated in the passage that he quotes.
2. I have asked my friend to point out where in scripture he is finding his basis for this “truth.”
While he does his research, I would love to know your thoughts on this. All thoughts and comments are welcome and I look forward to your input.
Anton Lee Huger is the founder of Commissioned Ministries, a division of Huger Consulting, LLC. He is an ordained Christian Minister, having served as an elder of several local churches since 1985. Anton now speaks evangelistically; teaches in the area of discipleship; supports local churches in their endeavors to build discipleship ministries within their local expression; and, dedicates himself to discipleship in this age by making disciples and disciple makers.
The Basic Steps of Bible Study: Getting Started
By Kay Arthur / Harvest House Publishers
Do you want to discover what it means to "be" in Christ and live boldly and confidently in God's truth? Begin with Arthur's inductive Bible study! Helping you cultivate the skills of observation, interpretation, and application, she equips you to understand Scripture on your own, increase your knowledge of God's ways, and be strengthened in your faith.
The Joy and Value of Inductive Study
- The Rule of Context - Context Rules!
- Getting the Big Picture
- Focusing In on the Details
"An Affiliate of Christianbook."
Chosen by God [R.C. Sproul]
By R.C. Sproul / Tyndale House
Tackling the subject of predestination, Sproul argues that it paints a portrait of a loving God who provides redemption for radically corrupt humans, rather than that of a whimsical or spiteful Lord. Point by point, he examines Scripture and discusses God's sovereignty, the problem of evil, human freedom, and the task of evangelism. 213 pages, softcover from Tyndale.